Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Myojo 12/7 [10000 words column]

Junno shared that his knee injury years ago was actually really serious. When he finally fell down, it wasn't due to legnigence- he knew he was having the problem but he contiued doing stunts. He had a tumor and it could have deteriorate to bone cancer. After the operation, when he was doing physiotherapy, he had moments when he fell down immediately, after trying to stand up.

via: iriznowaltz

Itu berita yang baru aja di ungkap sama Junno. Santai minna.. Sekarang Junno udah sehat-sehat aja kok :DTapi hebat juga ya dia, diantara senyum-senyum Junno dulu, ternyata dia menyembunyikan penderitaan yang kayak gitu. kalau aku yang jadi Junno, aku pasti udah nyerah banget. Aku salut bener dah sama Junno >o<b dia bisa berjuang demi karirnya.

Salut banget dah sama cowok keren satu ini :D

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